This may be surprising, but I've been waiting a LONG time, just so I could see you!
Please, make yourself at home. (o^▽^o)
Excitement makes life fun!
This site is a w.i.p.
If you want a more complete site, exit out and come back in a few days, or weeks, or months, or a year.
DW THO! I'm back ^_^ (at least for now).
I've added the navigation thing (finally), and redid my about me page!! Now it doesn't look like a complete mess. I was also able to add the silly status cafe thingie so that's pretty cool.
Happy new years!
I've finally decided to work on this again, and I've done a lot of work. (Now I can finally be satisfied, and look at it without wanting to throw up.) I've changed up the entire layout and theme of my page, and made it sillier. I'm going to try my best to get other pages done, so stay tuned for that, I guess.
Other than that, I have nothing else to say. Thanks for visiting my site!